Privacy Policy


TW Services is owned and operated by Thanet Waste Services Ltd, a limited company registered in England, company number 03501825.

We do not record or process any personal information about individuals who visit this website, except when you choose to send us information by e-mail, conventional mail, telephone, fax or other means.

TW Services considers Internet user privacy and General Data Protection to be of high importance. TW Services complies with theData Protection Regulations of 1998 in relation to all processing of data supplied to us by users and other personal data in our possession for any reason.

Personal information

Please note that all the information you provide to TW Services will be stored and processed in the United Kingdom.
We do not sell, trade, lease, loan or rent any personal information to outside organisations or individuals.

Links to other sites

TW Services may contain various links to other sites. These sites have their own policies and practices with respect to online privacy, and TW Services cannot be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these sites.

Information automatically logged

Your IP address is used to gather broad demographic information, and for other purposes such as monitoring visitor frequency to our website, this data is not shared.

System security

Sage Pay’s systems are scanned quarterly by Trustwave which are an independent Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) for the payment card brands.

Sage pay is also audited annually under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and is a fully approved Level 1 payment services provider, which is the highest level of compliance. We are also active members of the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) that defines card industry global regulation.

Compliance in regards to company employees

All employees will be made aware via inductions and TBT’s of what personal information we hold. All employees will be made aware of what data we hold, why we hold it, how we use it, how we keep it secure and whether we share any data with external parties. We will ensure that all third parties are aware of GDPR and that they also have suitable arrangements. All employees will be made aware of how they can gain access to the data TW Services hold and how they can request that certain data is deleted. All employees will be made aware of what data they can hold on company devices and how each device must be encrypted and password protected. All employees will receive basic awareness training (TBT’s) on the requirements of GDPR and how to report a breach.

Compliance in regards to external sources, clients, suppliers, sub-contractors and general enquiries.

TW Services hold personal identifiable information in the form of paper documents and electronic documents of thousands of people. This is information that has been gathered over the years from completed projects, enquiries into the business or from the public domain.

To ensure full compliance with GDPR 2018,TW Services will:

Notify all persons on file that we hold personal identifiable data. Provide details on what we do with the data, how we store it and what security arrangements we have. Explain that unless they ‘’Opt In’’ and agree that we can keep their data, all data held will be deleted. Detail what rights they have to disclosure and how to make a disclosure request. Explain their right to erasure. All completed job files will be deleted / shredded after 10 years of storage. No personal data will be used for mail shots or cold calling unless permission has been given, the information is freely available within the public domain or TW Services can demonstrate any of the ‘’lawfull processing’’ requirements set out in the regulations. TW Services will only collect the information necessary to conduct our works.

Any breach of personal data will be reported to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) within 72 hours of identifying a breach. All persons affected by the breach will be notified immediately by the dedicated data protection officer/s (Office and SHEQ Managers)


The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by emailing us. If you find any inaccuracies, please inform us immediately and we will delete or correct it promptly.


The personal information that we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security and the law.

VAT Registered number 792 4378 91 Company Registration Number 03501825